Day Care Center
Christianity through our Children
St. Paul Presbyterian Day Care Center is an award winning year round, full day care service for preschool children. Our center is Christ-centered, love-motivated and multicultural. We provide a flexible enriching learning environment that will facilitate the physical, cognitive and social emotional growth of children. Our goal is to help children grow and develop into mature Christian individuals.
Mission Statement
The St. Paul Child Care Center ministers to the needs of young children and their families by providing a safe, loving, Christian environment to foster social, emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual growth and development. All children of any race, color, or national or ethnic origin are welcome.
Vision Statement
It is our vision to create a warm, creative, nurturing, Christian environment for children and their parents, staff and caregivers. In every aspect of our program we will seek to provide care that is child centered and that models the best practices of child care.
Our core values are:
Each child:
is a gift from God.
has unique abilities.
will receive authentic love and affection.
play is extended to include core academic, physical fitness, and social skills.
will be safe from all physical and emotional harm.
Each teacher
appreciates her responsibility and challenge to help their children grow.
realizes her own responsibility to grow and develop as individuals.
Each family
is an important part of the child care experience.
Our program offers excellent teacher to child ratios and curriculum that is child centered. All teachers are board certified with degrees in early childhood development.
For more information call 496-2069 or email us at You can also
download our parents handbook here.